Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Day Part III

This is one of the most exciting days of the year for me, checking out election returns the morning after Election Day. Not only have the Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives, they're also on the verge of grabbing a 51-49 majority in the Senate. Jon Tester has a razor-thin margin over Conrad "Montgomery" Burns in the Montana Senate race with 99 percent of precincts counted, and Jim Webb has an 8,000-vote lead over George "Starts and Bars" Allen in the Virginia race. A cursory search of political insider blogs and news sites suggests that Tester and Webb will probably prevail...

Of course, We the People have to stay on these Demos-- the victories won't mean much if we're plagued with a bunch of DINOs (Democrats in Name Only), but with Senators like Sherrod Brown and (probably) Jon Tester, I'm optimistic...

If nothing else, though, I think the election shows that most Americans, even if they're fairly conservative, don't want a government that's unaccountable and corrupt (a la Abramoff, Safavian, etc.).

Anyone else out there happy that Richard Pombo got served?


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